Diet dominates weight, as weight is simple arithemtic -“calories in” minus “calories out”. Weight is essential because it reduces the effort required to do physical activities, and because it reduces the risk of many diseases. Exercise, while critical to energy, is mostly a red herring for weight loss. A great way to see this is comparing what you eat to physical Activity. A side of fries adds 500 calories to your day, but running for 30 minutes only burns 300 calories.
- My journey
- Terzepatide
- Great lo-cal foods
- Thinks that have been successful
- A tale of mindless Eating
- Making it a habit
My journey
Maintaing a healthy weight has always been a challenge for me. I was obese as a kid, and at multiple times my weight has crept up to 230 lbs, and with incredible diligence it had once dropped to a 150 lbs.
Mating weight
The bikini diet
Juice fasting - Fat sick and nearly dead
The weight pledge - down to 149 lbs
- Tough pattern. Gorge at the start of the month, then drop hard, w/cutting
- Super hard on the transitions
Post Corona Virus
- Nothing crazy, just low calories
- Added Hard cardio once Gym re-opened
- Staying low avoiding the in and out transitions
- Lots of porpcorn
- Only sads at work.
Great lo-cal foods
Miso soup
Radishes/Kimchi/Frozen carrots/Canned baby corn
Thinks that have been successful
A tale of mindless Eating
Great book - mindless eating:
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