- Accomplishemnt [4]
- Accomplishment [1]
- Achievement [8]
- Ai [3]
- Balance [1]
- Biking [3]
- Book-notes [41]
- Career [1]
- Dad [1]
- Death [1]
- Early career [5]
- Emotion [7]
- Emotional intelligence [49]
- Emotional-intelligence [1]
- Energy [2]
- Execution [1]
- Family-journal [87]
- Financial [1]
- Gpt [6]
- Habits [1]
- Hbr [2]
- Health [10]
- Heath [1]
- How [1]
- How igor ticks [39]
- How-igor-ticks [2]
- Job-hunt [6]
- Jump-in-the-lake-day [3]
- Leadership [1]
- Life-planning [1]
- Llm [1]
- Manager [12]
- Manager-book [3]
- Meta [1]
- Mindset [1]
- Navigation [1]
- Pain management [1]
- Parenting [1]
- Physical health [1]
- Positive-computing [1]
- Productivity [4]
- Search-featured [3]
- Software as a story [6]
- Software engineering [6]
- Startupville [1]
- Strategy [9]
- Tech [2]
- Tools [1]
- Toys [5]
- Travel [1]
- Vim [1]
- Weight-loss [2]
- Wisdom [3]
- Writing [2]
- Week 636AZ - Happy Fourth of July!
- Achievement Unlocked - Virtual camping!
- Achievement Unlocked - Outdoor Super Zach
- Achievement Unlocked - Meditation Habit
- Achievement Unlocked - 149lbs (210lbs in November 2013)
- Achievement Unlocked - Best Fathers Day Ever
- Achievement Unlocked - Bubble Bike
- Achievement Unlocked - Double Dates!
- Family Journal 584AZ- Portland Train Day Trip
- Achievement Unlocked - Zong!
- Achievement Unlocked - Ballooner!
- Achievement Unlocked- Yellow Deli
- Seth Godin- Ideas
- Sleight Of Mouth
- 12 Tech forces that will shape our future
- To Sell Is Human
- Clean Architecture
- The Dip - Should you fold or double down
- Engineering Moments
- The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX)
- 7 habits concepts
- Be Proactive
- Begin with the end in mind
- First things first
- Win/win or no deal
- Seek first to understand, then to be understood
- Creating Synergy: Making 1+1 = 3!
- Sharpen the saw
- The chapters of our lives
- Chasing Daylight: Imagine you're gonna die in less then 100 days
- Being a Class Act - How to Stand Out with Grace and Dignity in Any Situation
- Coaching - helping others find insight
- Eat that frog
- Being a GOOD Husband
- LEADER: Another take on the 7 habts
- Being a Good Dad - A Guide to Fatherhood
- NURTURE- The Gottman Method
- System Design Interviews- The SHINE Method
- Atomic habits
- NURTURE: The Gottman Method
- On being Mortal - Guess what? You're dying
- Double Trouble: From Lust to Love to Lost
- Search inside yourself
- Switch
- Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood
- Upstream - How to solve problems before they happen
- Books that defined me
- Essentialisim
- Humans are underrated
- Getting to yes with yourself
- Seven Habits: A manual for life
- Moments at work
- Decision making 201
Early career
- What I wish I knew at 22 and so might you!
- Save the Soup
- Save the Souse
- Sleeping bag sacrifices
- The recruiter does not think you're hot
- Anger is the enemy
- Emotions
- Smiles, Joy and Wonder
- Mania: It's like a free cocaine drip
- Regrets
- Shame
- Happy
Emotional intelligence
- Mind monsters
- Body at home, mind at work
- What I should do when I can't sleep
- Emotional Health In My Head
- Sleight Of Mouth
- 7 habits concepts
- Be Proactive
- Begin with the end in mind
- First things first
- Win/win or no deal
- Seek first to understand, then to be understood
- Creating Synergy: Making 1+1 = 3!
- Sharpen the saw
- Anger is the enemy
- Appreciate
- Building a bubble bike
- Coaching - helping others find insight
- Igor's Identity
- Emotional Health Practices
- Emotions
- Atomic habits
- Feelings/Human Meetings
- Smiles, Joy and Wonder
- The Immutable Laws of New Skills
- Mania: It's like a free cocaine drip
- Mood - Our blazing fast heuristic for subjective experience
- Daily Journaling: From Psychic Diarrhea to Polished Turds
- Building products
- Regrets
- Resistance: Why you can't make yourself take an ice cold shower
- Retirement: Stop Planning the Exit, Start Planning the Life
- Shame
- Search inside yourself
- Keep life on easy mode - Prioritize Sleep
- Training the sublime states
- When Past Igor Meets Future Igor
- Table of Contents
- Humans are underrated
- Getting to yes with yourself
- Welcome to Holland
- Be easy on yourself, job hunts are hard
- Voices in my head
- Happy
- That is pride fucking with you
- Seven Habits: A manual for life
- What makes a leader
- I don't want to die knowing I spent too much time at work, and I bet you don't either
- Reducing job hunt stress
- Igor's Eulogy
- Igor - how do you have the time to complete all the stuff on your blog?
- Life as a Business: Managing Energy, Assets, and Satisfaction
- Achievement Unlocked - 149lbs (210lbs in November 2013)
- 565AZ - Yummy snowstorms
- 566AZ - Breaking isolation, our first out of the house vacation since the pandemic started!
- 567AZ - Coming out of hibernation
- 577AZ End of corona virus - the park!
- 578AZ - Perfect Camping Trip
- 579AZ - Bubble Bike!
- Achievement Unlocked - Best Fathers Day Ever
- Achievement Unlocked - Bubble Bike
- 581AZ - Chef Zach's amazing week of cooking.
- Achievement Unlocked - Double Dates!
- Family Journal 584AZ- Portland Train Day Trip
- Family Journal 585AZ- Last Camping Trip of the 2021
- Family Journal 587AZ - Amelia Noodles with Amelia on the side
- Family Journal 588AZ - SUPER PRIDE! Zach learns GitHub
- Family Journal 589AZ - Happy Halloween 2021
- Family Journal 590AZ - Kids are VAX'D!!!
- Family Journal 591AZ - Turkey Day 2021
- Family Journal 601AZ - Dim sum and grocery store treats
- Achievement Unlocked - Zong!
- Ice, ice baby - Jump in the lake day 2022
- Week 604AZ - Swimming, Zemory and amazing habits, productivity
- Week 605AZ - Calibrations, calibrations, calibrations.
- Week 606AZ - The review push part 2.
- Week 607AZ - Reviews complete
- Week 608AZ - Chilling'
- Week 609AZ - Play open - The mystery of Irma Vep
- Week 610AZ - Pandemic Ending, life getting back to normal.
- Week 611AZ - Downtime
- Week 612AZ - Quiet Week
- Week 613AZ - March 12th, 2022 - Masks complete
- Week 614AZ - Back to the normals ...
- Week 620AZ - The family who gets COVID together
- Achievement Unlocked - Ballooner!
- Week 629AZ - Wonderful Weather, and wonderful discoveries
- Week 628AZ - Zach Comedy Class, and why I love living in Seattle
- Week 630AZ - Reruns
- Week 631AZ - Biking, it's in the genes
- Week 632AZ - FREMONT PARADE - Summer is finally here
- Week 634AZ - That was ackward, back on the paddeboard
- Week 636AZ - Happy Fourth of July!
- Achievement Unlocked - Virtual camping!
- Achievement Unlocked - Outdoor Super Zach
- Week 639AZ - Canada Trip, work and baltasar
- Week 640AZ - Canada Trip, Mom and Sister
- Week 641 AZ - FISM 2022 Quebec City
- Week 644 AZ - Amelia's rough camping luck.
- Week 643 AZ - Perfect Day, Self Propelled Transport Edition
- Week 645 AZ - 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
- Week 646 AZ - Kids activities are always worth it.
- Week 647 AZ Calendar power Dating, Blacksmithing, Making Movies, and Kissing Alpacas
- Week 653 AZ - Welcome back, 50lbs lighter edition!
- Week 654 AZ - Halloween 2022, and remember in Haloween 2023
- Week 655AZ - Great Kids Lines - Clearance Sale
- Week 656 AZ - Layoffs and NYC w/Ammon
- Week 657 AZ - Ashland 2022!
- Week 658 AZ - Ballooning and Zach the Great
- Jump in the lake day 2023 - Class Act Edition
- Week 661 AZ - Movies, Friends,
- Week 662 AZ - Zach Programming, Amelia Biking, Igor grinding through performance reviews
- Week 663 AZ - Beards, and Biking
- Week 664 AZ - Zach cooking Cous Cous, and having root beer!
- Week 680 AZ - Chaperone Camp Coleman, SUV Bike with Folding Kayak, Trip to MPK!
- Week 681AZ - Zach's Improv; Amelia's Art; And Igor getting some programming time.
- Week 682AZ - Achievement Unlocked. Cave Rescue. Wow
- Week 684AZ - Schools out!
- Achievement Unlocked - Meditation Habit
- Week 686AZ - Summer at home
- Week 687AZ - Manic meatballs, and our new car (Tesla!)!
- Week 700AZ - Father burries grand father; Son burries father
- Week 706AZ - Happly Halloween 2023
- Week 707AZ - Dad, guess what? What!? I got married today
- Week 708AZ - Sick, and ready for the holidays
- Jump in the Lake Day 2024 - Hot cocoa edition
- Week 715AZ- Calibrations '24 - A very atypical day.
- Week 716AZ - Just Another Week
- Achievement Unlocked- Yellow Deli
- Family Journal 718AZ - Zach's take on the Yellow Deli
- Week 719AZ - Crusader Kings III - Zach's favorite game today!
- Week 720AZ - A few random blessings
- Week 721AZ - Friends and Photos
- Week 731AZ - Amelia turns double digits
- Week 732AZ - Tesla camping with Zach
- Week 734AZ - Some great lines and middle school and grade 4 are a wrap
- Week 738AZ - Camp Chaperone; Amelia Teenager; Love as shoes
- Week 749AZ - Summer 2024 - That's a wrap
- Week 761AZ - Back in the blog+boat
- Being a Class Act - How to Stand Out with Grace and Dignity in Any Situation
- Being a GOOD Husband
- LEADER: Another take on the 7 habts
- Being a Good Dad - A Guide to Fatherhood
- NURTURE- The Gottman Method
- System Design Interviews- The SHINE Method
- Emotional Health In My Head
- Diet
- Emotional Health Practices
- Physical Pain: Understanding and Managing It
- Terzepatide: The magic weight loss shot
- Biking
- Staying warm
- Tech for health
- Physical Health Lets you look good in your jeans, and wrestle bears
- I don't want to die knowing I spent too much time at work, and I bet you don't either
How igor ticks
- random un categorized notes
- Body at home, mind at work
- What I should do when I can't sleep
- 7 habits concepts
- Be Proactive
- Begin with the end in mind
- First things first
- Win/win or no deal
- Seek first to understand, then to be understood
- Creating Synergy: Making 1+1 = 3!
- Sharpen the saw
- Escape Artists: The True Face of Addiction
- Business Model You
- Igor's Identity
- Igor - how do you have the time to complete all the stuff on your blog?
- Eat that frog
- Getting things done
- Atomic habits
- The Immutable Laws of New Skills
- Life as a Business: Managing Energy, Assets, and Satisfaction
- Igor the operating manual
- Daily Journaling: From Psychic Diarrhea to Polished Turds
- Psychic Weight
- Resistance: Why you can't make yourself take an ice cold shower
- Retirement: Stop Planning the Exit, Start Planning the Life
- Keep life on easy mode - Prioritize Sleep
- When Past Igor Meets Future Igor
- Table of Contents
- Books that defined me
- Be easy on yourself, job hunts are hard
- Voices in my head
- That is pride fucking with you
- Seven Habits: A manual for life
- Being the best manager I can be
- Magical memories
- My Strengths from Strength Finder
- My Dream Job
- I don't want to die knowing I spent too much time at work, and I bet you don't either
- Igor's Eulogy
- BC Vacation Guide: Vancouver & Chilliwack Adventures
- Chasing Daylight: Imagine you're gonna die in less then 100 days
- What I wish I knew at 22 and so might you!
- Types of interviews
- Be easy on yourself, job hunts are hard
- Care about Total Compensation
- I don't want to die knowing I spent too much time at work, and I bet you don't either
- Reducing job hunt stress
- Ice, ice baby - Jump in the lake day 2022
- Jump in the lake day 2023 - Class Act Edition
- Jump in the Lake Day 2024 - Hot cocoa edition
- Coaching - helping others find insight
- Learning from mistakes
- Failure is not an option, it is a necessity
- Goals - How to define and ensure success
- Manager Book Appendix
- Parkinson's Law: The Paradox of Plenty
- Upstream - How to solve problems before they happen
- How to EM: Be the manager everyone wants
- Being the best manager I can be
- My Dream Job
- Decision making 201
- I don't want to die knowing I spent too much time at work, and I bet you don't either
Pain management
Physical health
- The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX)
- Igor - how do you have the time to complete all the stuff on your blog?
- Life as a Business: Managing Energy, Assets, and Satisfaction
- Daily Journaling: From Psychic Diarrhea to Polished Turds
Software as a story
- Canadian Spotting
- Save the Soup
- Save the Souse
- Sleeping bag sacrifices
- Microsoft Azure - The Genesis Node
- The recruiter does not think you're hot
Software engineering
- software-rot
- Clean Architecture
- Tech leads, software architects and engineering managers - oh my!
- Being the best manager I can be
- My Dream Job
- Reducing job hunt stress
- On strategy
- Seth Godin- Ideas
- Companies with customer obsession
- Software as a service is good for users
- The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX)
- Business Model You
- Life as a Business: Managing Energy, Assets, and Satisfaction
- Essentialisim
- My Dream Job