Igor the operating manual

how igor ticks , search-featured

I’ve learned what I like, how I want to spend my energy, and how I want to be thinking about my life. I’ve learned my roles, reasonable expectations, and healthy ways to operate given my personality, behaviors, and frequently occurring situations. This post is a summary of those learnings - an operating manual if you will, reminding me how to think about, respond to and behave, so I can operate at maximum effectiveness and efficiency. Super important: You don’t rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems.

TODO: Split this post into How Igor Ticks, and igor

A note on goals, aspiration and systems

  • You don’t rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems.
  • Goals without systems are just good intentions.
  • Do you want Planning/High Discipline Igor making decisions, or evening Igor making the decisions (See Brian Johnson).

A note on rituals

Copied from someone smart

I learned over time that ritualizing ordinary moments makes them sacred. And when something becomes sacred, you give it meaning, and things with meaning reflect meaning back to you.

Rituals create a virtuous cycle: by treating something as important, it becomes important. By giving meaning to ordinary moments, those moments give meaning back to me. This transforms mundane activities into sources of energy, clarity, and purpose.

Calendar - 2024 H2

As a younger man I hated calendars and structure. I still don’t love them, but I have limited decision making/discipline energy/capability per day, and when I’m out of that energy, I just vegetate. So TL;DR: figure out what you want, and schedule it. Then don’t think about it.

My new calendar

Day Early AM Evening
M 5am Trainer Free
T Off Free
W 6am Trainer Free
Th Self Gym Magic w/Clive
F 1H Swings Movie Night
Sa l31 Free
Su l32 Free
  • l31
  • 2H Swings
  • Coffee Shop Writing
  • l32
  • Stretching/Free Gym
  • Coffee Shop
  • Weekly Journal
  • Family Blog Post

Morning Routine

At my best, I roll out of bed either when my eyes open or at 5am, whatever comes first. Then I sit in front of my mood lamp and drink my cold brew nitro coffee.

Ah when the kids were younger - I also loved getting my morning hug from my kids, but now that Zach’s older (9), I’m down to just getting the hugs from Amelia - who is 5.

Weekend morning routine

On the weekends, the gym opens at 8, so it’s essential I drink my coffee in my home office chair so I can work on whatever is most important to me, often reading or writing. At 7:30 it’s time to drag my butt to the gym.

Post gym I’ll either hit the coffee shop to do some more writing, or head home to spend the day with my family.

Weekday morning routine

At my best, I roll out of bed either when my eyes open or at 5am, whatever comes first.

The gym opens at 5:30, and I try to be there by 6.

Walking kids to school has been one of my most cherished morning activities. Whether it’s a block away or to the bus stop, these 10-minute walks have consistently been a major quality of life improvement. The kids really appreciate it, and it’s amazing how this small investment of time can have such an impact on my relationship with my family.

2025: Now that Zach is in high school, I walk him to the bus stop. I used to also walk Amelia to the bus stop, but I realized I could actually drive her to school with Tony - it’s zero stress on me, and I get an extra 10 minutes with Amelia.

2024: Now that Zach and Amelia go to different schools, I walk Zach to the city bus stop and Amelia to the school bus stop. I’m very lucky the drops are staggered by an hour so I can do both drops, giving me dedicated one-on-one time with each kid.

2022: After my workout, I go to work so I’m done at 4pm.

Pre - 2021: After my workout, I often chillax with my next priority being walking kids to school. Walking the kids to school has surprisingly been a major quality of life improvement for a very small impact to my day.

Morning Kryptonite

I have three common failure modes in my morning routine:

  • Starting my day by sitting in my easy chair drinking my coffee. This mindless activity has me skipping those things that are important to me.
  • Hitting snooze when my alarm goes off. The worst of all worlds, not sleeping, and not being up and doing stuff.
  • Lying in bed awake when I wake up before 5. Sometimes I wake up and can’t fall back asleep @ 3 or 4 (which isn’t crazy because sometimes I go to bed @ 7 or 8). Similar to hitting snooze, I’m not sleeping, and I’m not accomplishing anything.

Morning Refreshers

Instead of thinking about working out as a chore, I reframe it as a refresher - a way to energize and reset myself. I have different levels of refreshers:

  • Refresher: Training at the gym - the foundation of feeling energized and ready for the day
  • Refresher Plus: Training at the gym followed by quality time at the coffee shop - combining physical energy with mental space
  • Refresher Supreme: The ultimate morning reset - coffee shop time, gym training, and meditation - nurturing body, mind, and spirit

Note: The coffee shop represents a mental state - focused, relaxed, and ready to think deeply. While I currently need the physical coffee shop to enter this state, I’m working on being able to deliberately enter this state anywhere.

Daily Journaling

My morning coffee shop time is when I do my daily journaling. This practice helps me process my thoughts, set intentions for the day, and maintain mental clarity.

After Work Routine

My discipline is strong in the morning, but by the time I get home from work, I’m usually energy and willpower depleted.

Post work routine

  • I can fight my lack of willpower with a schedule.
  • Current schedule, 1 day Zach date, 1 day Amelia date, 1 day friend date
  • Get a healthy snack - popcorn or vegetables (not a huge container of fruit)

Post work Kryptonite

  • Sitting in my easy chair, mindlessly on my phone
  • Eating continuously

My Super Powers

Activator - People who are especially talented in the Activator theme can make things happen by turning thoughts into action. They are often impatient.

Communication - People who are especially talented in the Communication theme generally find it easy to put their thoughts into words. They are good conversationalists and presenters.

Restorative - People who are especially talented in the Restorative theme are adept at dealing with problems. They are good at figuring out what is wrong and resolving it.


  • Investing time in relationships always pays out. It can feel expensive, but it’s always worth it.

Technical Depth and Breadth

Technical Best Practice

Ability to sanity test all tech stuff

My Kryptonite

Bean counting

Committing and describing relative to ideal, not relative to reality

Underestimating technical complexity

Health and Habits

Health - physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual - is easy to understand but hard to maintain. My strategy to maintain health is through habits, but thanks to the immutable laws of hard things, habits degrade without constant vigilance.

I spend lots of time thinking about how I should be working my habits, but often end up not doing them. In this case, the key is to stop moaning and restart them.






I’ve already got enough hobbies - biking, magic, juggling. I get my biking fix no problem.




List of things I enjoy




Cognitive Reframe Upgrades

The words you use influence how you think.

  • I’m under water –> I’m fully booked this week
  • I’m not doing a good job –> When I’m at my best I do
  • I manage the XYZ team -> I support the XYZ team
  • This is crap –> Help me understand

Bad Influences

Don’t give a guy trying to lose weight an ice cream maker. An ice cream maker sounds great, but if it facilitates things that you don’t want it’s double bad.

Luxury Car

I’ve been dying to get a Tesla, full self driving and some luxury. But what’s most important to my identity is biking, and not driving a car. To quote my friend Ammon - Igor you getting a tesla is like getting an ice cream maker. You need to decide your priority and go from there.

Turns out, I love this now. Check out

Sports cars

On my trip to FISM, the cheapest car to rent ended up being a fancy sports car. It accelerated like butter, braked on a dime, and had gear shifting paddles in full sports mode. I soon realized I could weave through traffic going 60 miles an hour easily playing peek-a-boo with regular cars.

I realized 1/ no value to me in this 2/ chance of getting into or causing an accident 3/ chance of me focusing on anger that someone else is playing peek-a-boo with me and winning.

Triggers and Mental Quicksand

Like most folks, I have triggers and mental quicksand which I can get trapped in. Here are some of mine, and things I need to remember. This also reminds me of the:

Stress and Anxiety


My gosh, this is sucking up lots of brain power. I don’t think I get value thinking about this. I have two choices: stop thinking about this, OR write a post on all my thoughts on this.

Raising kids

Physical Health

Not spending enough time with them

When it comes to family, like all things, it’s easy to confuse hours for quality. Being at home playing on his tablet, while the kids played on theirs wasn’t family time. Instead Igor realized the key is having dates, a time he gave the gift of his complete attention to Amelia, Zach and Tori. Date nights were sacred and could be whatever the kid wanted. Here’s a nice date night


Diet and Weight

Financial Security

The point of money

Money isn’t just to make piles; it’s to enable you to do stuff. Stuff does not equal stuff you don’t use; stuff is actually often experiences. And most of the best stuff you can’t buy. Yup, it’s doing and it’s with whom you are doing it.

What would I do for less money

If you wouldn’t take a job for a pay cut, you probably shouldn’t take the job.

Making more vs spending more

See Parkinson’s law, which applies to both time and money.


See the manager book appendix


Calendar - 2023 Q3

My new calendar

Day Early AM Evening
M 2H Swings Free
T Trainer Zach Date
W 1H Swings Improv
Th 2H Swings Magic w/Clive
F 1H Swings Movie Night
Sa l1 Free
Su l2 Free
  • l1
  • Trainer
  • Coffee Shop Writing
  • l2
  • Stretching/Free Gym
  • Coffee Shop
  • Weekly Journal
  • Family Blog Post

Calendar - 2022

As a younger man I hated calendars and structure. I still don’t love them, but I have limited decision making/discipline energy/capability per day, and when I’m out of that energy, I just vegetate. So TL;DR: figure out what you want, and schedule it. Then don’t think about it.

My new calendar

Day Early AM Evening
M Crazy Early Work Free
T Trainer Zach Date
W Stair Climber Amelia Date
Th Self Gym Magic w/Clive
F Run Movie Night
Sa l21 Free
Su l22 Free
  • l21
  • Trainer
  • Coffee Shop Writing
  • l22
  • Stretching/Free Gym
  • Coffee Shop
  • Weekly Journal
  • Family Blog Post