NURTURE: The Gottman Method


In “Nurturing Love,” the Heath Brothers distill the wisdom of renowned relationship experts Drs. John and Julie Gottman into a concise and actionable guide for couples seeking to strengthen their relationships. Using their signature storytelling approach and evidence-based insights, the Heath Brothers create an engaging and accessible roadmap to the Gottman Method.

The book breaks down the Gottman Method into an easy-to-remember acronym: NURTURE, which represents the seven essential components of healthy relationships. Each chapter delves into a different aspect of NURTURE, offering practical advice, real-life examples, and exercises for couples to practice and deepen their connection.

BTW - OMG this was all created by GPT-4


  1. Navigating Love Maps (N)

    • Understanding your partner’s inner world
    • Building love maps through curiosity and active listening
    • Love map exercises for couples
  2. Unleashing Fondness and Admiration (U)

    • The importance of gratitude and appreciation
    • Expressing fondness and admiration consistently
    • Techniques to cultivate a positive perspective
  3. Responding to Bids for Attention (R)

    • Recognizing and decoding bids for attention
    • Turning towards your partner to strengthen your emotional bond
    • Developing effective communication habits
  4. Tackling Conflict Constructively (T)

    • Softened start-up and the importance of gentle confrontation
    • Managing and resolving solvable problems
    • Dealing with perpetual issues and gridlocked conflicts
  5. Uplifting Dreams and Aspirations (U)

    • Identifying and supporting your partner’s goals
    • Collaborating to create shared dreams and values
    • Fostering a growth mindset in your relationship
  6. Renewing Your Relationship Rituals (R)

    • Building connection through daily and weekly rituals
    • Celebrating milestones and creating shared meaning
    • Strengthening your emotional bank account
  7. Embracing Shared Meaning (E)

    • Cultivating a shared vision for your relationship
    • Developing a sense of purpose and mission
    • Co-creating a meaningful life together


In “Nurturing Love,” the Heath Brothers bring the Gottman Method to life, equipping couples with practical tools and strategies to create lasting, fulfilling relationships. By following the NURTURE framework, readers will learn to navigate the complexities of love, deepen their emotional connection, and build a strong foundation for a thriving partnership.

Chapter 1: Navigating Love Maps (N)

I. Theory: Understanding Your Partner’s Inner World

Love maps are a vital component of the Gottman Method, representing a mental blueprint of your partner’s inner world. The concept of love maps underscores the importance of knowing your partner’s thoughts, feelings, preferences, dreams, and values. By continually updating your love maps, you create a deeper understanding of your partner, which forms the basis of a strong, lasting connection.

II. Practice: Building Love Maps Through Curiosity and Active Listening

To create and maintain detailed love maps, both partners need to invest time and energy in getting to know each other better. This involves:

  1. Asking open-ended questions: Encourage your partner to share their thoughts and feelings by asking open-ended questions that invite elaboration, such as “What was the highlight of your day?” or “What’s something you’re looking forward to?”

  2. Listening actively: Show your partner that you’re genuinely interested in their perspective by giving them your full attention, maintaining eye contact, and using verbal and non-verbal cues to express empathy and understanding.

  3. Sharing your own experiences: Strengthen your emotional bond by opening up about your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This can help create a safe space for vulnerability and mutual understanding.

  4. Staying curious: Make a conscious effort to learn new things about your partner, even if you’ve been together for a long time. Remember that people evolve and grow over time, and your partner’s preferences, dreams, and values may change.

III. Exercises for Couples to Build Love Maps

  1. The Love Map Card Deck:

    • Create a set of index cards with open-ended questions that will help you learn more about your partner’s inner world. Examples include: “What’s your favorite childhood memory?” or “What’s a goal you’d like to accomplish in the next year?”
    • Take turns drawing a card and answering the question, making sure to listen actively and engage in conversation.
  2. The Daily Check-In:

    • Set aside time each day to share the highlights, challenges, and takeaways from your day. Use this time to express appreciation, offer support, and discuss any thoughts or feelings that arose throughout the day.
  3. The Relationship Timeline:

    • Together, create a timeline of your relationship, including key moments, challenges, and triumphs. Reflect on how you’ve grown together and how your understanding of each other has evolved over time.
  4. The Love Map Journal:

    • Keep a shared journal where you can jot down new things you learn about your partner. Review the journal periodically to refresh your understanding of your partner’s inner world and celebrate the deepening of your connection.

By investing time and effort in understanding your partner’s inner world, you lay the foundation for a strong and lasting relationship. Building love maps not only fosters emotional intimacy but also equips you to better support and appreciate your partner throughout your journey together.

Chapter 2: Unleashing Fondness and Admiration (U)

I. Theory: The Importance of Gratitude and Appreciation

Fondness and admiration are essential ingredients for a healthy, thriving relationship. They involve expressing genuine appreciation, respect, and gratitude for your partner. By consistently expressing fondness and admiration, you reinforce your emotional bond and create a positive atmosphere in your relationship.

II. Practice: Expressing Fondness and Admiration Consistently

To cultivate a habit of expressing fondness and admiration, incorporate the following practices into your daily routine:

  1. Express gratitude daily: Make a conscious effort to thank your partner for the little things they do, whether it’s completing a household chore or offering a word of encouragement.

  2. Offer genuine compliments: Regularly compliment your partner on their skills, achievements, or personal qualities that you admire. Be specific and sincere in your praise.

  3. Affirm your love: Remind your partner that you love and appreciate them, even during difficult times or conflicts.

  4. Share positive memories: Reflect on and share happy moments from your past together, reinforcing the positive aspects of your relationship.

III. Exercises for Cultivating Fondness and Admiration

  1. The Appreciation Journal:

    • Keep a shared journal where you can write down daily or weekly expressions of gratitude and appreciation for each other. Read the journal entries regularly to reinforce your positive feelings.
  2. The Compliment Jar:

    • Create a jar filled with slips of paper containing compliments, affirmations, or expressions of appreciation for your partner. Encourage each other to draw a slip from the jar daily or whenever they need a pick-me-up.
  3. The Gratitude Challenge:

    • Set a goal to express gratitude or admiration for your partner every day for a set period (e.g., 30 days). Track your progress and discuss how the challenge has affected your relationship at the end of the period.

Chapter 3: Responding to Bids for Attention (R)

I. Theory: Turning Towards Your Partner

Bids for attention are attempts by one partner to connect with the other, and they can take various forms (verbal, non-verbal, emotional, etc.). Turning towards your partner’s bids helps to build trust, intimacy, and a strong emotional connection.

II. Practice: Recognizing and Decoding Bids for Attention

To respond positively to your partner’s bids for attention, practice the following:

  1. Be present and attentive: Pay attention to your partner’s verbal and non-verbal cues, even during everyday activities.

  2. Develop emotional intelligence: Cultivate empathy and understanding to recognize and decode your partner’s emotions and needs.

  3. Respond positively and consistently: Whenever you recognize a bid for attention, make an effort to engage, support, or reciprocate affection.

III. Exercises for Developing Effective Communication Habits

  1. The Bids for Attention Game:

    • Spend time together discussing and identifying different types of bids for attention that each of you might use. Take turns initiating bids and practicing positive responses.
  2. The Listening Challenge:

    • Set aside dedicated time for active listening exercises. Take turns sharing thoughts, feelings, or experiences, while the other partner practices active listening skills (e.g., maintaining eye contact, nodding, paraphrasing, etc.).
  3. The Emotional Check-In:

    • Establish a regular emotional check-in, where both partners can share their current emotional state and any needs or desires for support. This practice encourages open communication and responsiveness to bids for attention.

Chapter 4: Tackling Conflict Constructively (T)

I. Theory: Softened Start-up and Conflict Management

Conflict is a natural and inevitable part of any relationship. The key to managing conflict constructively lies in how you approach and handle disagreements. Softened start-up involves initiating a conversation about a disagreement gently and respectfully, without attacking your partner’s character or assigning blame.

II. Practice: Managing and Resolving Solvable Problems

To tackle conflict constructively, follow these guidelines:

  1. Use a softened start-up: Begin conversations about disagreements with a gentle tone and a focus on your feelings and needs, rather than criticism or blame.

  2. Maintain a positive perspective: Keep in mind that your partner is not your enemy. Approach conflicts with the belief that you can work together to find a solution.

  3. Practice active listening: Listen to your partner’s perspective without interrupting, and show empathy and understanding.

  4. Use “I” statements: Express your thoughts and feelings using “I” statements to avoid sounding accusatory or defensive.

  5. Seek compromise: Be willing to compromise and find a middle ground to resolve solvable problems.

III. Practice: Dealing with Perpetual Issues and Gridlocked Conflicts

  1. Identify underlying issues: Recognize the deeper values, dreams, or fears that may be contributing to the perpetual issue.

  2. Create a dialogue: Engage in open, non-judgmental conversations about the underlying issues, and work together to understand each other’s perspectives.

  3. Establish temporary compromises: Agree on small steps or compromises that can help alleviate tension while working towards a long-term solution.

IV. Exercises for Constructive Conflict Resolution

  1. The Conflict Resolution Roleplay:

    • Practice conflict resolution skills by role-playing a disagreement. Take turns being the initiator and responder, and focus on using softened start-ups, active listening, and “I” statements.
  2. The Shared Values Exercise:

    • Identify shared values, goals, or dreams that can serve as a foundation for resolving conflicts. Discuss ways to honor and support these shared values during disagreements.
  3. The Conflict Debrief:

    • After a disagreement, take the time to debrief and reflect on the conflict. Discuss what went well, what could be improved, and any insights gained about each other’s perspectives or needs.

Chapter 5: Uplifting Dreams and Aspirations (U)

I. Theory: Supporting Your Partner’s Goals

Supporting your partner’s dreams and aspirations is a crucial aspect of a healthy relationship. By understanding and encouraging each other’s goals, you demonstrate love, respect, and a shared commitment to personal growth.

II. Practice: Identifying and Supporting Your Partner’s Goals

To uplift your partner’s dreams and aspirations:

  1. Learn about your partner’s goals: Engage in conversations about your partner’s short-term and long-term goals, and understand the reasons and values behind them.

  2. Offer encouragement and support: Provide emotional, practical, and/or logistical support to help your partner achieve their goals.

  3. Celebrate achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate your partner’s accomplishments, both big and small.

III. Exercises for Fostering a Growth Mindset in Your Relationship

  1. The Goal-Setting Session:

    • Set aside time to discuss and set individual and shared goals for various aspects of your lives (e.g., personal, professional, health, etc.). Regularly review and update these goals as needed.
  2. The Vision Board:

    • Create a shared vision board that visually represents your individual and shared dreams and aspirations. Display the vision board prominently in your home as a reminder of your shared commitment to growth.
  3. The Weekly Support Check-In:

    • Establish a weekly check-in to discuss progress towards individual and shared goals, offer support, and celebrate achievements. Use this time to brainstorm strategies for overcoming obstacles and addressing challenges that may arise.

Chapter 6: Renewing Your Relationship Rituals (R)

I. Theory: The Importance of Rituals in Building Connection

Relationship rituals are routines or traditions that help to create a sense of shared meaning and deepen your emotional connection. These rituals can be simple daily practices or more elaborate celebrations of milestones and special occasions.

II. Practice: Building Connection Through Daily and Weekly Rituals

To strengthen your relationship through rituals, incorporate the following practices:

  1. Daily rituals: Establish routines that foster connection and intimacy, such as sharing a morning coffee, a nightly bedtime routine, or expressing gratitude before meals.

  2. Weekly rituals: Set aside time each week for dedicated bonding activities, such as a date night, a family game night, or a leisurely weekend walk.

  3. Celebrating milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate significant events in your lives, such as anniversaries, birthdays, and achievements.

  4. Creating shared meaning: Develop your unique traditions that reflect your shared values, interests, and dreams.

III. Exercises for Strengthening Your Emotional Bank Account

  1. The Rituals Brainstorm:

    • Collaborate on a list of potential daily, weekly, and special occasion rituals that you would like to incorporate into your relationship. Discuss the significance of each ritual and how it reflects your shared values and interests.
  2. The Rituals Calendar:

    • Create a calendar that includes your chosen rituals and their frequency (daily, weekly, etc.). Display the calendar prominently and commit to maintaining these rituals.
  3. The Rituals Review:

    • Periodically review your relationship rituals to assess their effectiveness in fostering connection and shared meaning. Adjust, add, or remove rituals as needed to ensure they continue to serve your relationship.

Chapter 7: Embracing Shared Meaning (E)

I. Theory: Cultivating a Shared Vision for Your Relationship

Shared meaning involves creating a sense of purpose and a shared vision for your relationship. By aligning your values, dreams, and goals, you foster a deep sense of connection and collaboration.

II. Practice: Developing a Sense of Purpose and Mission

To create shared meaning in your relationship:

  1. Identify shared values: Discuss and identify the values and beliefs that you both hold dear, and explore ways to honor these values in your relationship.

  2. Align your dreams and goals: Seek areas of overlap in your individual dreams and goals, and explore ways to support and pursue these aspirations together.

  3. Create a shared mission statement: Collaborate on a mission statement that encapsulates your shared vision, values, and goals as a couple.

III. Exercises for Co-Creating a Meaningful Life Together

  1. The Shared Values Exercise:

    • Each partner creates a list of their top 5-10 values. Compare your lists and identify shared values. Discuss ways to prioritize and honor these values in your relationship.
  2. The Dream Alignment Exercise:

    • Independently, write down your individual dreams and aspirations. Share your lists and identify areas of overlap or complementary goals. Discuss ways to support and pursue these shared dreams together.
  3. The Relationship Mission Statement:

    • Collaborate on a mission statement that captures your shared vision, values, and goals for your relationship. Revisit and revise your mission statement periodically to ensure it remains relevant and reflective of your evolving relationship.

In “Nurturing Love,” the Heath Brothers have provided a comprehensive and practical guide to the Gottman Method. By following the NURTURE framework, couples can deepen their understanding of each other, foster emotional intimacy, and build a strong foundation for a lasting and fulfilling partnership.

Chapter 8: Conclusion - Nurturing Love for a Lifetime

As we conclude our journey through the Gottman Method and the NURTURE framework, it is essential to remember that building and maintaining a strong, healthy, and fulfilling relationship is an ongoing process. Like a garden that requires consistent care and attention, your relationship will flourish when you continue to invest time and effort in nurturing your emotional connection, addressing conflicts constructively, and supporting each other’s dreams and aspirations.

Throughout this book, we have explored the importance of:

  1. Navigating Love Maps (N): Deepening your understanding of your partner’s inner world and maintaining an up-to-date mental blueprint of their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

  2. Unleashing Fondness and Admiration (U): Cultivating gratitude, appreciation, and respect for your partner, which fosters a positive emotional atmosphere in your relationship.

  3. Responding to Bids for Attention (R): Recognizing and positively engaging with your partner’s attempts to connect, strengthening trust, and emotional intimacy.

  4. Tackling Conflict Constructively (T): Developing effective communication and conflict resolution skills to address solvable problems and manage perpetual issues.

  5. Uplifting Dreams and Aspirations (U): Encouraging and supporting your partner’s goals and dreams, demonstrating love, respect, and a commitment to personal growth.

  6. Renewing Your Relationship Rituals (R): Establishing routines and traditions that create a sense of shared meaning and deepen your emotional connection.

  7. Embracing Shared Meaning (E): Collaborating on a shared vision for your relationship that aligns your values, dreams, and goals, fostering a sense of connection and collaboration.

As you continue to practice and apply the principles of the Gottman Method and the NURTURE framework in your relationship, you will likely experience a deepening sense of connection, understanding, and appreciation for your partner. It is crucial, however, to remember that relationships are ever-evolving, and the work of nurturing love is never truly complete.

In moments of challenge or adversity, refer back to the concepts and exercises outlined in this book, and remember that growth, change, and resilience are integral aspects of any lasting partnership. By remaining committed to nurturing love, supporting each other’s growth, and adapting to life’s inevitable changes, you will be well-equipped to create a loving, fulfilling, and enduring relationship.

We hope that “Nurturing Love” has provided you with valuable insights, tools, and inspiration to strengthen your emotional bond and foster a lifetime of love and partnership. May your relationship continue to grow, thrive, and flourish as you apply the principles and practices of the Gottman Method and embrace the transformative power of nurturing love.


Worksheet 1: Navigating Love Maps (Chapter 1)

  1. Partner A: List 10 facts about your partner’s current thoughts, feelings, or experiences. Partner B: Review the list and provide feedback on its accuracy.

  2. Partner B: List 10 facts about your partner’s current thoughts, feelings, or experiences. Partner A: Review the list and provide feedback on its accuracy.

  3. Discuss areas where your knowledge of each other’s love maps could be improved. Set a goal to learn more about these areas.

  4. Plan regular check-ins to update your love maps and maintain a strong connection.

Worksheet 2: Unleashing Fondness and Admiration (Chapter 2)

  1. List three qualities that you admire in your partner.

  2. Write down three recent acts or behaviors by your partner that you appreciated.

  3. Reflect on a positive memory or experience that you shared with your partner. Describe the memory and how it made you feel.

  4. Set a goal for expressing gratitude, admiration, or affection daily. Write down specific actions you can take to achieve this goal.

Worksheet 3: Responding to Bids for Attention (Chapter 3)

  1. Identify three common bids for attention that your partner uses. Write down how you typically respond to each bid.

  2. Reflect on a recent situation where you may have missed or ignored your partner’s bid for attention. How could you have responded differently?

  3. Set a goal to improve your responsiveness to your partner’s bids for attention. Write down specific actions or strategies that can help you achieve this goal.

Worksheet 4: Tackling Conflict Constructively (Chapter 4)

  1. Identify a recent conflict or disagreement in your relationship. Write down how the conversation started and how it was resolved.

  2. Reflect on the softened start-up technique. How could you have initiated the conversation more gently and respectfully?

  3. Identify one area where your conflict resolution skills could be improved. Write down specific actions or strategies that can help you develop these skills.

  4. Set a goal to practice constructive conflict resolution consistently. Write down specific actions or strategies that can help you achieve this goal.

Worksheet 5: Uplifting Dreams and Aspirations (Chapter 5)

  1. Write down three short-term and three long-term goals or aspirations that you have.

  2. Discuss your goals and aspirations with your partner. Identify areas of overlap or complementary goals.

  3. Write down specific ways you can support and encourage each other’s goals and aspirations.

  4. Set a goal to check in regularly on each other’s progress and provide support as needed.

Worksheet 6: Renewing Your Relationship Rituals (Chapter 6)

  1. List three daily rituals that you currently practice or would like to incorporate into your relationship.

  2. List three weekly rituals that you currently practice or would like to incorporate into your relationship.

  3. Identify any special occasions or milestones that you would like to celebrate as a couple.

  4. Discuss the significance of each ritual and how it can help deepen your emotional connection.

Worksheet 7: Embracing Shared Meaning (Chapter 7)

  1. Write down five core values or beliefs that are important to you.

  2. Discuss your values with your partner and identify shared values or beliefs.

  3. Write a shared mission statement for your relationship that reflects your shared values, dreams, and goals.

  4. Set a goal to revisit and revise your mission statement periodically, ensuring it remains relevant and reflective of your evolving relationship.