Achievement Unlocked- Yellow Deli

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“I ask you a question. When your answer makes no sense, I ask you more questions”. It was a dark and stormy night, and the Canadian border agent was not happy with my answer. 2 minutes earlier Border Guard: “Why are you coming to Canada?” Igor: “To go to the yellow Deli!” Guard: “What, you drove 3 hours for a sandwich?” Igor: “6 hours we’re coming back tonight. But. Yes, it’s run by a Jewish cult!”. … After many questions concerning gun ownership, switchblades, and unsavory characters the guard let us pass. On the way back, having experienced the yellow deli, I was filled with conviction on how great the experience was, and gave the guard the directions to get there.

This was part of my 2024 winter break:

You should also read Zach’s version of this adventure

How Zach discovered the yellow deli

The Tesla needed to charge, and so did I

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Magic tricks:

  • Flipping someone’s cards
  • Server wanting grace

  • Atmosphere
  • Sleeping in the back of the Tesla
  • The giant Walmart
  • The crazy back roads

6 hours talking about tons of blog topics like

Have a great day and remember:

Over the hump with reviews we hop, Crossing t’s with workouts non-stop.

Goals in mind, sunrises and fun intertwined.
