581AZ - Chef Zach's amazing week of cooking.

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This week Zach took a stay at home cooking class. It was really neat, every morning they delivered the ingredients, and then every afternoon they turned Zach into a Chef. And then every evening they turned our kitchen table into a gourmet restaurant.

Our menu for the week (foolishly I didn’t take pictures of all the meals, but you can get a sample):

  • Monday - Moroccan
  • Tuesday - Sushi
  • Wednesday - Salmon
  • Thursday - Italian Alfredo
  • Friday - Steak o’ Poivre

This list doesn’t do it justice because every meal had a main, a wonderful side with a wonderful sauce and a wonderful desert.

We ate great, and Zach was so proud of his work, and well deserved. It was great.

Have a great week, and remember Zach is an amazing chef, puts my diet in distress– ZiaT!