Family Journal 601AZ - Dim sum and grocery store treats

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A quiet few weeks. Yesterday we went out to get some Dim sum, and went to an Asian grocery store. Doesn’t sound like much, but it’s been Covid for a while, and now that the kids are vaccinated and the parents have had the booster, we feel lots safer.

While I didn’t get a shot of Dim sum, the restaurant was in a mall where we had a chance to get a photo with the guy from Dragon ball Z. Also it’s fun to see the different treats we got at the store. Amelia and Zach got candy, I got sprats (shprote in Russian). To my surprise, and pride, Zach got into the sprats last night and enjoyed them.

Speaking of Covid, I’ve been exploring fun masks. Several of them had big things on them, but that doesn’t work because of how the mask folds. I think these ones will be perfect (though I worry the straps may break). Also world is coming back to life, here’s a cool x-mas ship going through the water.

Amelia is adorable, she’s checking out Tori’s glasses and hanging out in the Metaverse. The Metaverse is so cool for Amelia, it’s interesting, and she gets physical activity. Soon she’ll be able to meet her friends there, but not quit yet.

Speaking of Amelia, and food, One of the cool thing at Facebook is they feed you really good food. The salad bar is now open, and I’m eating yummy salads at work! To balance that out, Amelia is having the breakfast of champions (a big cup of M&Ms) which she’s drinking like soup.

Speaking of Zach, he’s been continuing his progression in his two favorite careers - cooking and programming. For programming, he’s doing a non-computer science university level programming course, and nailing it. I can’t wait to play his pong and space invaders game. For cooking, he’s been making dinner from meal kits. He’s getting better and better at it. He’s also beginning to master some signature dishes he can make from memory - so far, it’s beyond burgers with curly fries, not the tastiest, but pretty darn cool.

Speaking of Igor, hot tub is back, and this time it has a canopy, and multi colored lights. It’s great to be reading, meditating, talking to family, and hanging with Amelia out there. I’m also riding my folding bike again - some of those muscles have gotten pretty weak, but no better way to build them then by biking.

The story of how I got back on my folding bike is great. I used to ride my electric bike to and from work (think moped), and get to work pretty early after the morning gym. But, a few months back the school buses were canceled, so Tori had to drive the kids to school. One day I realized I could get a ride with Tori to work. Turns out that time between dropping off the kids, and getting to work is a really nice calm 10 minutes Tori and I can hang out. And thus my electric bikes moved to the garage. This caused a problem, which was I didn’t have a way to get home. Then I remembered I had a bike that could fit in a car, allowing me to have multi modal (e.g. bike/subway/bus/car) travel. My folding bike. So into the garage went my electric bike, and into the trunk went the folding bike, and home I came!

Other Igor stuff: Magic, haven’t been doing much of that, need to start practicing and performing again. Gym - Lots of work with my personal training and I’m going from 2 days to 3 days per week. Lots of progress here I’m stronger, my balance is better, and my back feels rock solid. Cardio - Yeah, that needs some improvement.

Lastly, some Tori stuff. She’s back working the theater. Super cool to see her busy and happy!

Have a great week, and remember - Family pleasure is such a treasure - ZiaT