Week 706AZ - Happly Halloween 2023

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Halloweeen is our favorite holiday. This year Zach was the phantom of the Opera, Amelia was a witch from her favorite video game, and I had hair (and was a squirrel). Tori’s made slews of progress on the bathroom, and I’m crushing the kettlebells.

We also saw Hadestown today - that was pretty fun too

A big week for my strength - I hit my 2 handed kettlebell swing goal: 6 sets of 15x32kg, and I did my target TGU weight goal of 32kg (only set of 1x32kg, and 4 sets of 1x28kg). Amazing progress. I’m also starting to build up my 1 hand swing, increasing the depth on my pistol squat, and after much stretching and warm up can be in a half lotus for 2 minutes.

I blew past my strength goals this year, which is great. Just like with money you need a “nest egg” for retirment so you can live off the interest and start drawing down the prinicple, it’s the same for physical health. That reminds me of a tear jerker video. Every time I watch this it makes me cry:

My wrists have been feelign way better, so I can practice magic now. I’m performing more often, but not enough. Need to dial that up. One thing I miss is I can’t just do as much magic practice as I want, I need to limit myself to like 5-10 minutes of practice a day, otherwise I risk re-injuring myself

Have a great week and remember - _If you don’t eat swiss cheese, you’re not living with ease _ - Ziat!