Family Journal 589AZ - Happy Halloween 2021

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Oh no it’s normal. See, I’m little red riding hood and I was adopted by a family of penguins. That’s what Amelia said to anyone asking why she was tricker treating with Zach a Penguin, and her there were penguins hovering on the side walk!

Tori loves doing family halloween costumes, (me too), but Amelia was uninspired by our choices. She decided she’s much rather be an adorable little red riding hood - and she did! Cut pictures galore

Oh, and this year I wanted to carve pumpkins with the kids, but they refused, so I brought over Ryan, someone who at this point I’ve known for 24 years OMG (we met in 1997!)

Have a great week, and remember - When your family as penguins dress, you can still be red riding hood and impress - ZiaT