Week 605AZ - Calibrations, calibrations, calibrations.

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As a manager, the most intense thing I do is prepare for calibrations, that’s when we represent the work the teams’ we support have done, and ensure everyone is reviewed fairly. Even though I’ve done calibrations at 3 companies which have north of 1 trillion market cap for over a decade, I still take it incredibly seriously, and allocate a tonne of energy to it, and get flashes of stress doing it.

By being hyper disciplined, I’m now ahead of the game, and can take some well earned nap and relaxation.

I’m very proud of myself that I eliminated most of my procrastinating, leaving only healthy procrastination like biking to and from work, and catching some sun rises:

A lot of this discipline (and extra energy) came from using my habits app. I added a habit to do magic, and take photos, which is brilliant! I’ve both done more magic, and have some great photos! (I’ve also been getting up by 5am, and biking to work, and doing my gratefulness journal, and on some days even doing my meditation :) )

With Tori working, Zach’s been cooking, which we always love. Zach’s special this week was steak with fried onions - yum, yum, yum:

Oh, and since Tori is working in theater, we get some cool props at the house, for example:

Have a great year and remember: Bike, Run, Wake up at 5, After that you’ll really feel alive! - ZiaT