Week 640AZ - Canada Trip, Mom and Sister
Goto All PostsMom
- Changd my plans to get an extra day with Mom
- Nice to be be able to work from bellevilel
- Got to make mom balloons
- Got to upgrade all her electronics
- Impressed how good she is with tech
- Sister the same,
- Sam all grown up
- Saw Toronto
- Went paddling
- Mornings to myself, afternoons with the family
- New practice for me …
- Lots of appliccation to self, and others
Gym Memmbership
- Accidnetal got a gym membership
- Cool pool
- Massage chairs
- Cardio
- Amazing
Leaving the air port
- Left way early to be safe
- Siri took me to the wrong car rental place that was closed.
- Took out laptop and not there. Trying to find it everywhere.
- Was in my carry on, didn’t bother looking as went through x-ray
- Had to
Have a great year and remember:Pay yourself first, and you’ll have what it take to get through everything - ZiaT