Week 715AZ- Calibrations '24 - A very atypical day.

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I get PTSD around performance reviews. I’ve had some bad experiences, and grooved in some unhealthy scripts like anxiety, procrastination and aversion. I’ve also built some hyper proactive performance review protocols, but it’s always a battle to engage my discipline. Last few days, I crushed it though.

Friday, I hit my goal of finishing my performance review, and today, Sunday, I hit my goal of completing someone else’s performance review. I did it by getting up at 4:30 am, heading to work, starting their review, then meeting my friend at 6:30 am for coffee. Yes, my friend also works at Meta, and also needed to work on their performance review :). After 2 hours of coffee, I went back to my desk and finished that review before going to the gym.

After the gym, I hit my other goals for the day, going for a walk with Amelia, writing my weekly report, and writing this blog post (god willing, I’ll be meditating after this as well).

I’m no saint though, starting on Tuesday I also:

  • Binge-watched 7 hours of “Severed” (cool show, recommended)
  • Read 2 full SciFi books “Dogs of War” and “Ber Head” (also highly recommended)
  • Augmented my blog audio transcriptions of the articles Click the speaker

I also have a habit I use to increase my paying attention and enjoying the little things - taking a photo a day. Here are some for this week:

Have a great year and remember:

Dreaded reviews, once a year’s plight, Now I face them with newfound might.

Early mornings, the darkness light, With goals in mind, I take flight.

Friday’s chores, now put to rest, Sunday’s too, I’ve passed the test.
