Week 643 AZ - Perfect Day, Self Propelled Transport Edition
Goto All PostsSometimes you get a perfect day, and Friday was damn near perfect.
As usual I got up at 4:30. Instead of going to the gym, I was hoping Amelia would let me bike her to camp, which would have me getting to work, at 10:30, So I did some fun work from 6:00-8:00, which was perfect as I can really concentrate.
Amelia has been mad at me (cuz she’s in tutoring) since I got back from Canada (2 weeks ago!!), and I wasn’t sure if she’d be up for a bike ride to camp. Turns out she was not, when I mentioned it, I got a screaming no, and she raced off to sit in the car waiting for Mom to drive her. Sighing softly, I grabbed my helmet and unlocked my bike to go to work. Amazingly, Amelia got out of the car and said, OK, I’m coming with you.
We left at 9:30, and I put on my sunglasses as it was perfect weather. Her camp is about 8 miles away, but to get there we ride along the water. It was a perfect ride, even though we got a bit lost. Luckily she didn’t know better, and I was just happy to chat with Amelia as we rode. At the camp, I got to see the goats and one-eyed dog she’d been telling me about on the way there - super cool. At 10:15, it was off to work, and I got there around 10:50 and continued my day - Oh yeah, that was a 20 mile ride (30 KM) round trip.
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I always have salad for lunch, but today was a treat as there were pickled radishes and kimchi, two of my favorite vegetables. I got out of work at 16:30, and was thrilled that Zach was willing to go biking.
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We talked about a whole bunch of stuff as we biked to the mall at U-village. Being ultra healthy, I had a great snack - a bell pepper and 2 English cucumbers. I tend not to have utensils, so I eat the bell pepper by tearing it into strips and eating it as is, and the cucumbers I break in half and eat like a carrot - yum!
While we were at the mall I heard a young girl crying in misery, turns out her balloon dog had popped! Luckily for that girl (and her Mom who was unsuccessfully trying to reassure her it would be OK) I was there, and made her a new balloon! (That story is right from my eulogy). (And not today, but awesome Zach is learning how to tie a tie. Before you say it’s backwards and lop sided, this my friend is how you learn, through grinding)
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The next day, Tori (who has been doing an amazing job on the backyard), was ready to move the kayak to its new home (pictures pending) and we got it moved over and setup.
After that, Amelia was willing to go out on our new inflatable tandem kayak, and we paddled to beach across the bay. While boating there we passed lots of boats and house boats. I had a tinge of envy seeing those nice houses and boats, but then I was like, no, I’d give anything to be healthy enough and family prioritized to spend this much time with my family instead.
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Wow - excited to see what today brings.
Have a great day and remember: A perfect days can be rare, but you’ll feel better then a millionaire - ZiaT