Week 639AZ - Canada Trip, work and baltasar
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- Able to blast through the airport
- Wake up at 4:30, getting to airport at 5 is easy
- Nexus, able to blast through
- Able do a tonne of work on the air plane * Got a premium car for the price of an easy one.
- Ate too much - couldn’t eat for the next day
- Didn’t eat anything, except, for ice cream * Went for a run on the beach, after non run, cardio protocol felt amazing
- Did tonnes of balloons
- Started ordering balloons to all the places I was going
- Did tonnes of magic
- Appearing and Disappearing looked awesome
- Gave everyone lots of coins
Trip to beach
- Magic and balloons
- Amazing went for a run on the beach (Felt so good)
- No sunburn, except for what is covery by my socks - and that was super burned to a crisp.
Lucky experience with car breaking down.
Amazing friends so nic eto get to hang out with them.
Have a great year and remember:XYZ - ZiaT