Week 661 AZ - Movies, Friends,

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This has been a great week, and a great start to 2023. First jumped in the lake, then got done a ton with family, friends and work! Here’s to an amazing rest of the year.

First, we saw a fun movie (which we need to do more often - great Tuesday night activity) then I made a movie with Zach. In Chemistry when you add an acid and a base, you get a salt (and water!)

Acids and Bases

Then Amelia and I did a puppet show, which had us doing some math! You’ll note the video editing was worse on this one, that’s because I, instead of Zach was the editor

Then, I made it a priority to catch up with friends I haven’t seen for a while. I didn’t think to get screen shots for folks I’m having video calls with, I’ll need to start doing that!

Zach and I have been programming, after being intimidated by classes for like a year, Zach and I finally cracked them. It was awesome to see the pleasure Zach got from being able to make his code more readable, he’s getting a “programmer’s” taste - which feels awesome!

Amelia is getting into multiplication at school, and we’ve got work to do there, and we’re doing it!

Tori is back at work, and this year instead of getting Hello Fresh (what we did last year), she’s leaving us mostly prepped meals, and it’s awesome to have ‘em to eat! Oh yeah, she also made us the most amazing cake ever. It has a brownie base and then 3 layers of mousse. Wow!

And last but not least, it’s review season at work. Busy, but I’m getting a head start, so I’m ahead of the game, which is great!

Have a great week, and remember:

What a start to 2023!
Great week, next ones too I guarantee

A week that was super fun,
A ton of activity getting done!

Tuesday night a movie we hit,
But before that real chemistry did fit.

Tori with meals she prepared,
Keep ‘em nutritious our bodies cared!

Review season, I have a head start too,
Hurray! I’m ahead, this I know true
