Week 647 AZ Calendar power Dating, Blacksmithing, Making Movies, and Kissing Alpacas

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As a younger man I hated calendars, and structure. I still don’t love them, but I have limited decision making/discipline energy/capability per day, and when I’m out of that energy, I just vegitate. So TL;DR figure out what you want, and schedule it. Then don’t think about, this week I nailed my calendar!

Zach Date - We made a movie!!! Mind boggling Zach’s skills. He just took me to the park, told me what to do for a bit. Then came home and editted it into a movie in 30 minutes. Mind boggling. Part of our date was also going to Amazon Fresh to grab some food - that was really fun as well.

Amelia Date - We’ve been doing these for a while, but have been skiping, great to get this back on the calendar!

Magic w/Clive - Went to our favorite bar, didn’t actually do magic (takes a while to build back courage), but felt fantastic seeing it back to normal

Blacksmithing - Nothing to do with my calendar, but we did a work event where we got to pound steal at a blacksmith shop (trivia: Somewhere in my bloodlines was a black smith).

Kid Activities - Tori ,of course, uses a calendar and on the calendar this weekened was an amazing farm where we got to feedback and play with Alpaca’s, Sheep, Goats and ducks, amazing.

Have a great day and remember: If the kids find it great, don’t it’s value underestimate - ZiaT