Week 708AZ - Sick, and ready for the holidays

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The week had a strong start with Black Nativity (highly recommended), but ended with the whole family coming down with a cold. So pretty slow and boring. High hopes for next week as work will have ground to a halt as many folks are on holiday vacation, and the kids are home from school.

I asked Zach what we should write about, and he said, nothing really happened this week. Lame, but true.

I also hadn’t taken many photos, luckily the kids were home. I literally snapped these 3 minutes ago as I didn’t take many photos this week:

And while I was looking for more photos, our house is slightly out of whack. We have the tree_room, the no_toilet_room, and of course the everything on the outside room:

What is Black Nativity? It’s a play that Tori worked on, featuring gospel music, Jesus, and a bunch of interactive Christmas carols. I loved it, and will likely see it again. It’s also at one of my favorite theaters in Seattle (Broadway performance hall), which has a secret feature of really small punny bathroom graffiti (zoom in to read them). And you can see Amelia and Zach are getting much bigger (I’ll get a better shot next week)

On the Igor side, I’m recovering from a back injury, which sucks. I’m mostly pain-free, but my kettlebell swings are severely limited (only 4x24 kg) while I desensitize my back. Thankfully, I can still do my TGUs, and I’m now at (2x32 kg, 3x28 kg). The other good thing is every time I have a body injury I become more aware of sloppy technique, and fix it.

I also got into some programming this weekend, excited to build a best friend simulator. Of course, before that could happen, many yaks needed to be shaved. I had to make a few fixes to langchain to enable reading iMessage history 1 and 2 and I had to upgrade from lint-staged to pre-commit, and from black to ruff, and then make everything clean for ruff oh my oh my. No wonder I never got off my butt this morning.

Have a great week, and remember, “Though colds may creep and disrupt our sleep, in these slow days, precious memories we’ll keep.” - ZiaT