Week 662 AZ - Zach Programming, Amelia Biking, Igor grinding through performance reviews

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Dang, another great week! Zach is now keeping me awake so we can get programming time. Amelia got back on her bike, then got me back on my bike so we could bike to Boba, and then made me make balloons for a family there. I even got out my folding bike and threw it in the back of the Rav so Tori could give me a ride home when I met her at work. I am also half way through reviews, which feels great!

Amelia went biking, then we biked to Boba … and we also took a stab at reaction videos … (Yup, my editing skills are improving)

We also started making some reaction videos, pretty darn fun!

Zach and I spent like an hour or 2 a day programming, and we also have been watching watch man (amazing series if you’ve never seen it). Zach has been working on a “hitman market” bot, and he’s pushing me to help him write it, a welcome change from me pushing him. Yesterday we even pair programmed with 2 computers using Visual Studio Code Live Share – awesome! TODO: Photos with Zach! Photo with Amelia on her Bike

I also found a new perspective on meditation. The meditation I’ve been doing is really a follow your breath meditation, which trains concentration. An alternative I’ve been expo orig is more of an awareness meditation. So instead of bringing my attention back to the breath, I observe there is a thought, and that’s it’s just an ephemeral thought. It’s a different approach. Looking forward to writing more about it later!

Something I used to do before the pandemic, which I loved, was walking ten kids to school. After the pandemic, Tori was driving them, and then this year, their school starts later so I’d stopped walking them. Luckily, I have copious notes about what I like, and I found there is nothing I enjoy more then walking the kids to school. So I restarted (note to self, I thought it would be hard and inconvenient, but trivial)

It’s clear Zach’s my son, Amelia and I are less identical. But definitely my daughter. Check her out enjoying smoothies; kimchi and a french fry sandwich:

And playing the violin, and being silly with her dad!

And last but not least, it’s review season at work. All that early prep work I did has really paid off. One and half more hard weeks and I’m done for another year! Oh, and I’m getting back on my diet, and remembering to have fun.

Have a great week, and remember:

If Zach and I get some coding time
It’s sure a great week, it’s sublime

Amelia on her bike we’ll take
To Boba, balloons we’ll make

My folding bike I’ll carry too
Riding in our Rav car view

Our editing skills are really good
Reaction vids now we should

Making the hitman Bot our programming skills grow
A welcome push, it starts to show

Meditation then changes too
New approach, another view

Review prep I’ve done well; reviews I’m half way through
One and half more hard weeks and I’m done, ‘till the next year I’ll do.
