Week 604AZ - Swimming, Zemory and amazing habits, productivity

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This week we go back to work, school, and the gym. For our date night Amelia and I got back in the pool, Zach finishing his latest programming game Zemory, I took the kids out for lunch, and Zach and Amelia did their first walk home from school.

Amelia and I do date nights, which we both enjoy, but on Wednesday we went swimming together (often when I go to the pool I won’t swim). It was super fun, I got a bit of exercise, and at the end, Amelia gave me the most amazing hug ever. That’s the kind of hug you can savor forever.

I snuck out of work early on Monday, and took the kids out to lunch, we took the subway, walked through an ice storm, and had some wonderful Indian food.

I decided to help me enjoy the many moments in my life I’ll try to get at least one interesting picture a day. Here’s me and Clive outside a Canadian bar in Seattle, and a cool sign reminding us some things need to be IRL (In Real Life).

This is a the first of a very busy 4 weeks at work as we’re getting ready and then doing reviews. Lots to do this year, but I’m also much more disciplined on what i need to get done, and have setup lots of support systems.

Speaking of discipline and habits, I got a habit app to support me, and I’ve done 7 days a week of up by 5, meditating, gratefulness writing, magic and selfie taking - hooray!

Have a great year and remember: Be sure to go swimming, ‘cuz when you’ve got kids that’s winning - ZiaT