How to build rapport and set people at ease

The like switch, written by an ex-FBI agent, goes into detail on how to make friends and influence people in a much more modern form.

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The friendship formula: Proximity, Frequency, Duration, Intensity

Friend Signals

The eyebrow flash

The head tilt

The smile




Food forking

Head nodding

Verbal Nudges

Focused Attention

More tips for fun and profit

Make a mitake to make folks more comfortable

  • Light touch
  • Girls - wear something in your hair
  • Introduce yourself by name
  • Give something
    • Even a smiley face on your reciept
    • Give mints
  • Reath the customers order
  • Provide good service
  • Apply

Foe signals

Elongated stare

Elevator Eyes

Intimidating your daughters new boyfriend

Eye Rolls


Furrowed Eyebrows

Faical Tension

Aggressive Stance

Scrunched Noes

Feet Position

Gauge depth of a relationship

Golden rule of friendship - Make others feel good about themselves

Empathic Statements

Compliments vs Flattery

Third party compliments

Third party compliments and positioning.


The book

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