My explorations of NLP, mostly using my corpus of journal entries and other writing. My intent is twofold: 1) learning about NLP and sentiment analysis 2) finding latent meaning in my writing, ideally to help me better understand my own psychological processes. I’ve had much more success with the former than the latter.

My Journal Entries are private, but you can see my code here (though it is tightly coupled to my corpus and format).

To better understand all this, check out this course:

Success Criteria

  • Deeper understanding of what I care about.
  • Played with different cloud stacks for NLP.
  • Do simple word frequency analysis.
  • Played with word embedding.
  • Topic/mood over time visualization.


At my best, I do daily stream of consciousness journaling. These journal entries should have insights I can apply to my life. I’m too lazy to read the journal entries, but it’s a great corpus to see how I can use NLP and ML tech on myself.

This gives me an excuse to use NLP services, and play with them.


I used a service called 750words to do daily stream of consciousness journaling. I have several years of data in this format, and I want to convert it to the format I’m using now. This will be a good corpus for analysis.

Convert exported 750words data to per day files

Remove custom stop words

My dataset has stop words


Analysis: What is on my mind?

Focus on Proper Nouns

Relative frequency distribution of proper nouns gives a good understanding of what’s top of mind, since humans are “person” focused, names tend to pop in and out here.

Focus on Verbs/Nouns

Haven’t had a lot of luck here, my writing isn’t very verb-focused. Perhaps this needs some type of boosting from TF/IDF

Sentiment Analysis From Cloud Vendors


Once GPT-3 came along, the other cloud services became irrelevant.

Call Google NLP from C#


Put Google NLP output into Pandas

Evaluate NLP Solutions from various vendors

Google NLP

The place I decided to start.

AWS Comprehend

IBM Watson

Azure NLP service

Limited, only supports extraction of key topics, without the different spots of them.

Use cases - Functional

I can see what I’m thinking about on a single day

I can see what I’m thinking about over a time period

I can graph my mood over time

Sentiment analysis only works on sentences. For a first-order approximation take the median sentence sentiment score for a document. E.g. Median([sentiment(s) for s in sentences]). Graph sentiment by day measured.


  • Interpolate missing days.

I can score the sentiment of a document as the median(f

I can see when my mood goes south

Up next

Analysis Approaches

Bag of words

Lemmatization vs Stemming


Multiply term frequency by inverse document frequency, this boosts words that only appear in this text as they are likely more important (or they’re typos).

Word Embedding, and semantic search, (useful for RAG)

Put words into a semantic vector space using unsupervised learning, so words with similar meanings are closer in vector space distance. For example (king - queen) ~ (boy - girl) and toaster is far away from red.

Bag of words analysis

Ignore properties of text other than word frequencies.