Slow ZSH prompts
All of the sudden, hititng enter in zsh took seconds - took me a while, but I realized if I kiled tmux (not just a window), then it would be fast again (well, that’s better then a reboot I guess. Sigh, this drove me nuts and I just switched to Atuin instead
Groan, looks like Atuin is hitting the same problem, but has an error message about it being slow to write to disk:
Hymn, looks a lot like this tmux slow issue:
Ah, looks like my tmux plugins where still getting loaded (and pomodoro was still in memory - lets see if he was the culprit)
Profiling Zsh
zmodload zsh/zprof
Looks like the issue is mcfly’s input
Inspecting history
The weird part. Why would restart tmux matter? Maybe something in tmux is adding to history on a tick?
Look at them mcfly code:
Setup the function to work on the pre-prompt
Now that prompt
function mcfly_prompt_command {
local exit_code=$? # Record exit status of previous command.
# Populate McFly's temporary, per-session history file from recent commands in the shell's primary HISTFILE.
if [[ ! -f "${MCFLY_HISTORY}" ]]; then
export MCFLY_HISTORY=$(command mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/mcfly.XXXXXXXX)
command tail -n100 "${MCFLY_HISTFILE}" >| ${MCFLY_HISTORY}
# Write history to $MCFLY_HISTORY.
# Run mcfly with the saved code. It find the text of the last command in $MCFLY_HISTORY and save it to the database.
[ -n "$MCFLY_DEBUG" ] && echo "mcfly.zsh: Run mcfly add --exit ${exit_code}"
$MCFLY_PATH --history_format $MCFLY_HISTORY_FORMAT add --exit ${exit_code}
return ${exit_code} # Restore the original exit code by returning it.
Tailing the history file - what else could be taking time
Lets see if it’s that add call that’s slow. Must be. Then I need to debug why that might be
$MCFLY_PATH --history_format $MCFLY_HISTORY_FORMAT add --exit ${exit_code}
Debugging Slow IO
The issue is I/O within TMUX only goes super slow, I’ve added a profling tool to my vim_python
In Tmux when it’s slow:
❯ vim_python profile-io
Error: pool timed out while waiting for an open connection
Starting 0
Write time 0: 3.05961 seconds
Read time 0: 0.00023 seconds
Starting 1
Write time 1: 1.01048 seconds
Read time 1: 0.00020 seconds
Starting 2
Write time 2: 1.00221 seconds
Read time 2: 0.00023 seconds
Starting 3
Write time 3: 1.01644 seconds
Read time 3: 0.00023 seconds
At the same time when not in TMUX
Starting 0
0: Write/Read: 0.00254/0.00031 seconds
Starting 1
1: Write/Read: 0.00050/0.00028 seconds
Starting 2
2: Write/Read: 0.00087/0.00018 seconds
Starting 3
3: Write/Read: 0.00050/0.00016 seconds