It used to be that software was eating the world. Now ML is eating software. ML is computers building algorithms by only looking at the data. This is powerful as the computer can find patterns in large data sets that are too complicated for humans to find and express via algorithoms. In human terms programming is following a check list which someone else provided (E.g. bake a cake by following the recipe). ML is following your intuition. (E.g making a stir fry from stuff in the fridge). As with ML, you can’t articulate your intuition as it built through countless experiences, but it mostly works (E.g. you never put a bananna in your stirfry).
Copied from my GitHub techdiary
Success criteria For this post
- I know the problems ML can solve, and the ML vocabulary.
- I have a good enough understanding of ML to tell if someone is full of shit.
- I can explain ML to a non-ML programmer, a PM or an executive.
- I can make some PoC projects to test my understanding.
- I can keep track of the ML concepts I’ve learned and cross check them with a PhD wielding ML guru.
I highly recommend: Machine learning is like sex in high school
- Hierarchy of Abstraction in the ML space
- What category of problems can ML algorithms solve
- Other ML Concepts
- How to measure the effectiveness of ML by problem category
- Why is ML hard?
- About ML errors
- Computing Power, Hardware
- The steps in running an ML model at scale
- The steps in training an ML model
- ML Algorithms
- Topics to be explored
- AI Domains
- AI Misbehaving
- Misc Topics
- Neural Networks
- What should I read to learn more
Hierarchy of Abstraction in the ML space
Before we get started, the term “model” is very overloaded, lets use these definitions.
Disambiguating the word Model
The word model is overloaded - Wickhan describes the following terms ( but I haven’t yet re-written the article):
- Model Family - The class of ML algorithm being used e.g. Linear Regression, Recurrant Neural Network.
- Model Form - The model family, the features and the hyper parameters
- Fitted Model - Model form fit to data and able to perform estimates.
Programming has levels of abstraction and so does ML. The levels from most general to most specific are below.
Using an ML Model
This is the same as using a high level API or library, something like IsPlural(word). These APIs can run locally in a library, or remotely in a web service.
Notice that the user of an API doesn’t care about the implementation and so doesn’t care if ML or programming implements the API.
Web Services, like Microsoft’s Cognitive Services and Amazon Translate, expose models for your application to use.
Building an ML model by training an ML algorithm
This is the same as using data structures and algorithms to build high level libraries. Think of creating a file system from B-Trees.
Because the model is inferred implicitly, we need to provide data to build the model. These models are built by providing training data and hyper parameters (think parameters to data structures like the initial capacity of an auto-growing array)
Models are relatively simple to describe but require data to train.
To train a model on a reasonable sized dataset, use a tool like sci-kit. To train a model on a large data set, model use a cloud provider like Amazon SageMaker or Azure ML Studio.
Implementing ML Algorithm
This is the same as implementing data structures and algorithms. As an example from programming, a linked list data structure and insert routine.
At this level of abstraction no data is required, as we’re building algorithms. Building these algorithms requires knowledge of hard math.
The algorithm is often hard math, and written in languages like TensorFlow and PyTorch.
Converting an ML model to hardware
This is the same as compiling C or assembly code to machine code. The machine code can execute on different hardware. Unlike conventional programming ML algorithms are slow on CPUs fast on GPUs and fast on specialized hardware like CoreML for iOS and TensorFlow Lite for Android. CPU’s are slowest because they are optimized for integer operations on few threads (E.g. high end CPU has 8 threads). GPUs are optimized for parallel floating point optimization (E.g.high end GPU has 560K threads). I’m not sure the performance of CoreML, but it can always be improved with hardware revisions (and I suspect it will be).
What category of problems can ML algorithms solve
Understanding Words - Natural Language Processing
My early explorations …
And in 2022 the world was taken by storm by gpt …
Understanding Images - Computer Vision
See my repository here:
What should I X - Recommenders and Ranking
What type is this - Classification
Given a sample, classify into a discrete set of known values. Mathematically F(sample):Enum. Find F. Training data must be labelled, into a discrete set of data.
Classification can be binary (spam detection), or categorical (image recognition, sentiment analysis, speech recognition). Many classifier provide a confidence score (I’m 90% sure this is a cat, but 20% sure it’s dog).
Algorithms used include decision trees, and Baseyian classifiers.
Predict a Value - Regression
Given a sample, what is the output value. Mathematically F(sample):Number. Find F.
For example, how much does age impact the probability of having cancer. Given an income, what is the happiness quotient. Linear Regression has been around for a long time (remember newton’s method from high school)
Make logical groups - Clustering
Given a set of unlabeled data, classify it into groups. Mathematically F(List[Data]):List[Set(Data)]. Find F, and List[Set(Data)]
For example, given all Netflix users, these are the group of users which are similar. The categories can then be combined with regression to decide which groups of movies a set of users would enjoy.
Another example is deduce the communities from a social network.
Another example is anomaly detection. Amazingly I have a published paper on anomaly detection.
Algorithms used include decision trees, and Baseyian classifiers.
Dimension Reduction
Other ML Concepts
Supervised vs Unsupervised vs Semi Supervised
Supervised leraning means the a trainer provides ‘ground truth’ via labelled data. Getting labelled data is often the hardest part of ML. Regression is a supervisedalgorithom. Unsupervised learning means no labels are provided and the computer figures out the relationships - clustering is an example of this. Semi-supervised learning uses algortithoms to take a a small amount labelled data to mix with unlabbelled data creating more ‘syntethic labelled’ data. This is domain specific. As an example, imagine doing speech recognition. Take labelled audio files, and mix them with background noise to generate ‘synthetic data’.
Batch vs Online
In batch learning the model is built once, and ignores incoming data.
In online learning (better called incremental learning) an initial model is deployed but is then re-deployed with an updated model based on the incoming data. The rate at which the model is updated is the Learning Rate, and is an important parameter, if the model is updated quickly, it can break quickly based on a string of un-representative data, if the model is updated slowly there can be a prolonged period of time while the model performance is poor.
Instance vs Model
How to measure the effectiveness of ML by problem category
Because programming tends not to be probabilistic, we tend not to measure effectiveness. In programming we often care about performance, and for that we need a standard benchmark. Various benchmarks exist for various measures, E.g. crystal mark for disk, and battery burner for power utilization. Similarly to measure effectiveness you need to use a standard data set. Also “good values” is a function of the data set and domain. E.g. a precision of 99% is OK on the MINST data set, but 50% fantastic good on a handwriting recognition dataset.
The class of problem being solved determines the effectiveness of ML. To measure effectiveness, you must do so over a dataset.
AI Testing
Regression - Distance from predication to actual
Classification - Precision and Recall
Precision (Exactness) - Likely hood a result is a true positive. TP / (TP + FP). % of things you say are true, are actually true.
Recall (Completeness) - Likely a true positive. TP / (TP + FN). % of true things you identify in the entire space
Precision and Recall are in opposition, and you need to decide which of these values you’ll optimize for.
Examples from the hiring process:
When recruiting, you’re happy to talk to lots of candidates, even if you’re not sure they’re good. E.g. High recall, low precision.
When hiring, it’s essential you don’t hire a bozo, and you’re willing to not hire someone good, to avoid hiring the bozo. E.g. High precision, low recall.
An example for laymen:
Say, you have 10 balls (6 white and 4 red balls) in a box. I know you are not colorblind but still somebody asked you to pick up the red balls from them. What you did is that you thought 7 balls as red, picked them from the box and put them in a tray. Among these 7 balls, you picked 2 red balls and 5 white balls (but you thought all of them are red).
Your precision in picking red ball is number of correct pick-ups/(number of correct pick-ups + number of wrong pick-ups) which is 2/(2+5) = 2/7 = 28% in this case. Now, look carefully that your denominator can also be like (total pick-ups).
Your recall in picking red ball is number of correct pick-ups/(number of correct pick-ups + number of red balls that you missed) which is 2/(2+2) = 2/4 = 50% in this case.
Now, what do they mean? Precision says how exact you were among your pick-ups. So, as you picked them up as red balls, you were 28% exact. Recall says, how complete you were among your pick-ups. So, as you picked them up as red balls, you were 50% complete in identifying all the red balls.
We learn at this point- Precision describes exactness and Recall describes completeness.
From the same example, we will now take a look how to combine various terminology with these simple examples.
Number of correct pick-ups can be said “true positives” as they were red ball that you picked up and you were asked to pick the red ones. The balls you picked as red but eventually are white can be called “false positives”- you thought they are positive but they are not.
So, if we modify this formula of precision with these terms, it turns into-
Precision = true positives / (true positives + false positives)
Again, the number of red balls you missed are thought as you missed them thinking them as white. So, they can be called “false negatives”, which means you thought they are not red balls, but they are.
So, if we modify this formula of recall with this new terminology, it turns into-
Recall = true positives / (true positives + false negatives)
So, from this “re-written” version of recall formula can pop-up one thing: this is the “rate of true positives”. In other words, from all the red balls, what percentage of red balls were grabbed. You had 4 red balls but you got 2 and missed 2: means you could took 50% of the red balls!
Clustering - its complicated
PCA - its complicated
Why is ML hard?
I’ve been an engineer for a long time, and always struggled to understand what people are explaining when talking about ML. I’ve been doing lots of studying lately and here are some of the reasons I think ML is hard:
- Modelling customer needs is hard.
- What is good in a customers mind?
- How does it change person to person?
- How do you know if someone got what they wanted
- Someones context/state of mind matter.
- What people want changes over time relative to the rest of the world.
- How hard is it to self motivate
- Even if you had perfect ML, your domain understanding is wrong (think how hard PMF is)
- People probably lie?
- Business needs change
- People change
- Who should you keep happy?
- What’s going on - world cup? More people less people
- Snow storms?
- Temporal changes
- ML is not perfect
- Imagine you hired a great employee, but they don’t change.
- You need to map IRL concepts to imprecise math functions
- How should you model the words, pictures to numbers?
- Each math function has biases, weight outliers?
- Lots of subtelties
- Not clear how it performs on many things.
- Hard to verify
- Models are opaque
- Lots of hard to verify steps in the pipeline
- No ground truth.
- Performance rots
- Regressions hard to understand.
- Not enough data
- Not clear what ground truth is
- Best practices changing non-stop
- Yesterday’s state of the art is today’s old news.
- Don’t really share the training data. Only share the algos, and tied to the domain.
About ML errors
The ML learning challenges
- Insufficient Training Data
- Non-representative training data
- Low quality data
- Incorrect features
- Over fitting the data
- Under fitting the data (choosing the wrong model)
Model and feature interpretability
Because some algorithms have opaque features and parameters, humans can’t verify which features are used, which can result in many difficult to solve errors like the below. Also, when features are opaque, humans can’t be trained from the ML.
When models are transparent, like PCA, that’s great because human SMEs can validate and use the result for further exploration.
ML Image Recognition Optical Illusions
Because ML features are not transparent, they can sometimes detect features which are wrong. By manipulating these incorrect features, you can apply an optical illusion. For example, a penguin ML detector has been followed by showing it a picture of static.
You can find great examples here: Synthesizing the preferred inputs for neurons in neural networks via deep generator networks
Google Photos recognizing black people as gorillas
Google came under fire this week after its new Photos app categorized photos in one of the most racist ways possible. On June 28th, computer programmer Jacky Alcin� found that the feature kept tagging pictures of him and his girlfriend as “gorillas.” He tweeted at Google asking what kind of sample images the company had used that would allow such a terrible mistake to happen.
Google attempted to fix the algorithm, but ultimately removed the gorilla label altogether. Zunger noted that the company is working on longer-term fixes that revolve around which labels could be problematic and better recognition of dark-skinned faces.
HP face tracking doesn’t recognize black people
Clever Hans - the horse that could count
Using opaque features isnt just a problem for ML systems. There was a horse that could count, but it didn’t work by counting, it worked by understanding human emotions. I guess that’s one of our first fails of machine learnings.
Likely hood of death from Pneumonia given asthma
Intelligible Models for HealthCare: Predicting Pneumonia Risk and Hospital 30-day Readmission
A model trained to predict risk of death for pneumonia patients concluded that asthma was predictive of lower risk.
This was a true correlation in the data, but it owed to the more aggressive treatment such co-morbid patients received.
Put simply, a researcher taking actions based on this information would be mistaking correlation for causation. And if a hospital used the risk score for triage, they would actually recklessly put the asthma patients at risk, thus invalidating the learned model model.
Computing Power, Hardware
Why can’t a big computer do all the tuning
Why GPU vs CPU
CPU’s are optimized for integer operations on few threads (E.g. high end CPU has 8 threads). GPUs are optimized for parallel floating point optimization (E.g.high end GPU has 560K threads).
What is a tensor
Tensor is a name for a multi-dimensional array.
What do on device ML cores do
Model building vs Model Execution
Computation power required for cat pictures
The steps in running an ML model at scale
Training a collaborative filtering based recommendation system on a toy dataset is a sophomore year project in colleges these days. But where the rubber meets the road is building such a system at scale, deploying in production, and serving live requests within a few hundred milliseconds while the user is waiting for the page to load. To build a system like this, engineers have to make decisions spanning multiple moving layers like:
The steps in training an ML model
Traditional programming progresses through requirements, design, implementation, and testing. Likewise there is a set of steps required for ML.
Requirements gathering and problem definition
Exploratory Data analysis
Often done in pandas
Data preparation
Often pre-processing in SciKit
Model Family Selection
Feature Section
Evaluation and tuning of model family features and hyper paramaters
Present Results, Use it
ML Algorithms
Algorithms in plain english.
Language models and GPT 3
This is an amazing topic. See GPT
Topics to be explored
Thanks Dan Massey for your recommendation to discuss these topics
DevOps for ML
Measuring within the wider business context
Guard rails for inputs versus training data
AI Domains
Recommender Systems
Computer Vision
See my explorations of video editting and CV models.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Word masking NLP models BERT
AI Misbehaving
We often delegate decisions to AI, but they are as biased as their training data. Examples of what can go wrong at the site AI Misbehaving:
AI Ethics
- AI models existing biases in society, example dr’s as men. Terrorist as islam
- Society always has biases, what is the ‘ground truth’?
Misc Topics
What is ML vs AI
AI is the idea that computers can do activities traditionally performed by humans . E.g. diagnose a disease, argue a case like a defence lawyer, drive a car, have a conversation. ML is a method to achieve artificial intelligence, but not the only one. Early medical diagnosis AI was implemented by human programmers using decision trees created by subject matter experts.
Generalize vs Narrow AI
When most people say AI, they think about an AI that they can interact with like a human. This is complex of AI. Narrow AI, is simpler, and limits the AI to a simpler task - e.g. helping you find a good vacation.
Why is ML so complicated
Imagine asking someone how HTML works, and they describe to you how an ARM processor works. If someone did that you’d find HTML incredibly complicated.
That’s what’s happening in ML today. The issue is the field is nascent and tools and abstractions haven’t been well formulated and described yet.
Deep Fakes
Deep Fakes are video (or image) transformation software from one person to another. So using a deep fake network you can turn a video of Igor talking into a video of Jeff Bezos (or some more current famous person) talking.
A good way to think about this is to simplify the problem. Imagine we had a ‘compression’ and ‘decompression’ program for an individual person’s face E.g compress_igor(image)-> state, decompress_igor(state)->image. Imagine if it compressed to 2 bits (left eye open, right eye open). Even though the state is very small, we can create high quality (though low variance) output. The decompression doesn’t need to be given all the face details, just the details of eye-open and eyes closed.
Now, lets use ML to create this algorithm, instead of humans defining the latent space (e.g. compressed-state) the ML model will. And it can do this with unsupervised learning, connecting compress_igor(igor_image_1) -> decompress_igor() -> igor_image_2 , and minimizing differences between igor_image_1 and igor_image_2. At the end of this process, we have a ML generated compression and decompression function for a users face.
So using this we have create compress_igor(image)->small_state and decompress_igor(small_state)-> image. If we did the same process on a second person, say Bob, we’d create compress_bob(image), and decompress_bob(small_state). So we can do a deep fake by connecting compress_igor -> decompress_bob Tada!
Time Series Analysis
Check out prophet
Neural Networks
A laymens introduction to neural networks and deep learning. What’s interesting here is that many of the stes of model selection and training is “semi random”. This post Does a great job discussing how to assess models using semi-random model creation.
CNN: Convolutional Neural Networks
A neural network with multiple hidden layers, great for pattern (e.g. image recognition)
RNN: Recurrent Neural Network
A neural network that includes history (e.g. t-1,t-2) as input features, great for time varying analysis
GAN: Generate Associative Networs
GANs are used train a lossy compression/decompression pair without human knowledge. Essentially saying, computer make a compression and decompression pair which turns the image back into itself with a much smaller representation . This can be used for deep fakes, by connecting the trianed compession of one image, into the trained decompression of another image. Letting you go from person 1->person 2, with 0 training data.
Good explanation:
What should I read to learn more
- AI Expert roadmap
- Google’s rules of ML and summary
- Hands on machine learning with SciKit-Learn and tensor flow
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- Neural network easier to grock lectures